


本次财经峰会将以“重塑生态 融聚未来”为主题,诚邀国内专家学者共同探讨后疫情时代经济挑战以及港美股券商致胜之道,为更好的推进国家经济和金融发展提供智力支持。



海通国际首席经济学家,兼任香港中国金融协会副主席、中国金融40 人论坛成员、中国首席经济学家论坛理事,同时担 任复旦大学、上海交通大学、香港中文大学特聘教授。

孙明春博士在中央银行、商业银行、投资银行及资产管理机构都有丰富的工作经历,在学术研究、 政策制定、市场分析等方面有扎实的功底和独到的见地,在宏观经济、企业战略、投资研究、金融 科技、及网络平台等领域著述颇丰,并发挥其领导力和影响力,带领研究团队于 2010 年《机构投 资者》中国研究团队的年度评选中夺得第一。

孙明春博士拥有斯坦福大学管理科学与工程系博士及复旦大学世界经济系学士学位。历任中国国家 外汇管理局经济学家,美国第一资本金融公司高级市场分析师,雷曼兄弟公司亚洲高级经济学家, 野村证券董事总经理、中国首席经济学家,大和资本市场董事总经理、亚洲首席经济学家、中国股 票研究部主管,上海博道投资首席经济学家,及博海资本投资总监兼首席经济学家等职务。


Dr. Sun Mingchun has served as the chief economist of Haitong International Securities Group Limited since 2019. Prior to that, Dr. Sun held positions such as a founder and CIO of Deepwater Capital Limited, a senior partner and chief economist of China Broad Capital, head of China research and chief Asia economist at Daiwa Capital Markets Hong Kong Limited, the chief China economist, head of China equity research at Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited, and senior Asia economist at Lehman Brothers Asia Limited, a senior marketing and business analyst at Capital One Financial, an economist at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) of the PRC.

Dr. Sun is currently a member of the China Finance 40 Forum (CF40), a vice chairman of the Chinese Financial Association of Hong Kong and a council member of China Chief Economist Forum (CCEF). He also serves as an adjunct professor at Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Sun received his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University and B.A. degree from Fudan University.




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