Driven by rising demand and innovation, the global equipment market is forecast to grow at 3.79% annually, presenting a significant opportunity for China's home industry.
值此之际,CIFF InterBiz Club于12月17日至19日举办Meet2Match-CIFF Factory Tour设备配料线活动,特别邀请15家东盟家具制造企业高管代表组成的买手团深入中国,亲身体验中国家具上游产业的宏大规模、先进技术和高效率,旨在促进面对面交流,探讨合作机会,以期建立双赢的商业联盟。
CIFF InterBiz Club hosted Meet2Match-CIFF Factory Tour, inviting 15 ASEAN companies to explore China’s upstream furniture sector, promoting direct exchanges and cooperation.
To understand Chinese manufacturers’ innovation capabilities, factory visits were arranged, with NUOMI as a key destination.
A decade ago, NUOMI’s robust cabinet pull-out baskets won global acclaim, attracting international orders.
而如今诺米现已成为全球众多橱衣柜品牌和家居品牌的供应商,业务遍及全球80 多个国家和地区,并持续参加国际知名家居展览开拓市场,与当地经销商展开合作,进行销售网络的重点搭建。
Today, NUOMI supplies over 80 countries, continuously expanding its international presence.
Beyond Europe and America, emerging economies in Southeast and South Asia show great potential, with infrastructure driving hardware demand.
The ASEAN delegation recognized NUOMI’s standing in the international hardware market.
NUOMI capitalized on trends towards multifunctionality, intelligence, and aesthetics, offering integrated whole-house hardware solutions.
NUOMI tackled industry issues like color inconsistency, fragmented products, varied styles, and outdated processes, ending the "one order, multiple factories" era. In NUOMI’s showroom, ASEAN buyers experienced firsthand how this innovative approach greatly enhances project efficiency and service quality in custom homes.
With a smart base exceeding ten thousand square meters, NUOMI achieves customized services through intelligent production.
The ASEAN delegation learned about NUOMI’s automated production lines in smart workshops.
High-tech equipment ensures precision and stability, boosting manufacturing efficiency.
Innovative hardware solutions + quality improvements break low-end competition cycles, promoting high-quality development.
"We are impressed by NUOMI’s technological innovation and see great potential for cooperation," said a Vietnamese buyer.
The ASEAN delegation praised NUOMI’s brand strength and potential, deepening trust and laying foundations for future cooperation.
As global furniture hardware upgrade needs grow, NUOMI will earn more international recognition and expand broader market prospects together.
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