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2008年04月10日 16:33腾讯财经 】 【打印

LI, Dongsheng

Chairman and President, TCL Corporation



Mr. Li Dongsheng, one of the founding members of TCL. Since the acquisition of the Thomson Color TV and Alcatel Mobile phone business, TCL is a leading Chinese multimedia consumer electronics maker. Mr. Li was a member of Delegate in the 11th National People’s Congress in 2008. Last year; he was awarded “the Corporate Leadership” by the US-China Forum in Chicago. Prior to this, he had also been awarded by China Entrepreneur Magazine in the year of 2005 and 2006. In 2004, Mr. Li was named ''Asia Businessman of the Year'' for 2004 by Fortune magazine. He was also short listed as the Top 25 worldwide most influential business leaders by Time magazine and CNN in 2004. In the same year, Mr. Li was received a French National Honor Metal (OFFICIER DE LA LEGION D’HONNEUR). Mr. Li also holds a number of prestigious positions including: Chairman, China Electronic Imaging Industry Association; Vice Chairman, China Chamber of International Commerce; Vice President, China Tennis Association; Guest Professor, Wuhan University. Mr. Li has more than 20 years of experience in various aspects of the electronics industry particularly in the manufacture and sales of electronic products. He is an engineer and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from HUANAN Polytechnic University.

李东生先生是TCL集团的创始人之一,2004年,TCL与法国汤姆逊集团重组全球彩电业务及与阿尔卡特公司在整合全球移动终端业务,成为中国领先的全球化消费电子企业。08年李东生先生当选为全国第十一届人大代表。07年之前获芝加哥美中论坛“企业领袖睿智奖”;06和05年被《中国企业家》评选为“最具影响力的企业领袖”;入选“CCTV2004中国经济年度人物”;当选美国《时代周刊》和有线新闻网(CNN) 2004年全球最具影响力的25名商界人士;被国际著名杂志《财富》评为“2004亚洲年度经济人物”。法国总统希拉克在总统府向李东生先生颁发了法国国家荣誉勋章,这是法国政府首次授予中国大陆企业家的最高国家荣誉。此外李东生先生还担任的社会职务包括: 中国电子视像行业协会会长;中国国际商会副会长;中国网球协会副主席;武汉大学客座教授。李东生先生拥有20多年从事消费电子领域的制造,销售和管理经验。李东生先生82年毕业于华南理工大学无线电技术系获学士学位。

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作者: 李东生   编辑: 吕强

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