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2008年04月10日 16:40腾讯财经 】 【打印


Chief research and strategy officer, Microsoft



Craig Mundie was named to the new position of chief research and strategy officer of Microsoft in June 2006. He is working closely with Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates to assume responsibility for the company’s research and incubation efforts –in anticipation of Gates’ departure from a day-to-day role in Microsoft in July 2008. Mundie also partners with General Counsel Brad Smith to guide Microsoft’s intellectual property and technology policy efforts. Mundie previously held the position of Microsoft chief technical officer of advanced strategies and policy, in which he worked with Gates to develop comprehensive technical, business and policy strategies for Microsoft on a global scale. In addition, he worked with government and business leaders in Washington, D.C., and across the globe to address the technology and policy issues of security, privacy, telecommunications regulation, intellectual property and software procurement standards. In August 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton named Mundie to the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee, which advises White House staff on issues affecting the security of the nation’s telecommunications infrastructure. In April 2002, Mundie joined the Task Force on National Security in the Information Age to help develop a strategy for using new technologies and information to address new security challenges. Since February 2002, Mundie has served on the Council on Foreign Relations Inc., a nonpartisan membership organization, research center and publisher dedicated to increasing Americas understanding of the world and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy.


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