




SDG 2, SDG 3,SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 10

Tian Yi is a member ofCommon Future, an NGO inspiring Chinese youth to care for refugees. Sherecently completed a memorable internship at a refugee resettlement agency inCleveland that helps refugees who have been resettled to the United Statesafter spending years in other host countries.

As an intern, Yiassisted a Bhutanese refugee woman in a sewing workshop who had lived in arefugee camp in Nepal for 15 years, abused by her husband and suffering fromsevere PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder). When Yi met her, she was refusingto go to the local healthcare agency due to her fear and anxiety.

SDG 2, SDG 3,SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 10

At the weekly supportgroup meet-up, this female refugee always stayed in the corner, staring out thewindow. After a conversation with her supervisor, Yi found out that the refugeeis a mother of three young children and had tried very hard to bring them outof the refugee camp. Therefore, Yi decided to try her best to help her and herfamily.

Later, Yi learnt fromher that she once received an acupuncture therapy and it worked for her PTSD.Thus, the intern spent the whole week and successfully found one therapist whoagreed to provide free services. Eventually, this therapist provided foursessions (one session per week) to the refugee, after which she told Yi thatshe felt much better and was every grateful.

Moreover, in order tomeet the basic needs of refugee single mothers like her, Yi and her colleagues,joined by a group of volunteer students, prepared free packages as donation forthe women and their babies – a gesture that was much appreciated.

Eventually, theBhutanese lady learnt how to use the sewing machine at the workshops and beganto engage with the local community. Yi said, “I believe she is only one of thewomen who need our assistance, their resilience and persistence will always keepme going.”




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