




UNAIDS SDG Story: Promoting HIV self-testing andPre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Key populations through Information andcommunication technology

Keypopulations are not given adequate consideration in HIV programming. Keypopulations and their sexual partners account for 47% of new HIV infectionsworldwide and 97% of new HIV infections in eastern Europe and central Asia.

Informationand communication technology is well used and promoted in HIV self-testing, andpilot of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among MSM (men who have sex with men) groupin big cities. The community-based organisation for the MSM population—Blueddeveloped an animated video in Chinese on combination prevention among MSM,which has been put on the website of Blued with a reach of 30 million usersglobally.

Introduced byUNAIDS China office, the experience on the use of Information and CommunicationTechnologies to promote HIV testing and treatment shared by the Blued-DanlanSocial Benefit was highly praised and promoted by communities in the region andthe world when they presented at the Regional Consultation Meeting ofInformation and Communication Technologies in June 2017 and during theInternational Symposium on HIV Prevention and Control in China in Nov. 2017.

案例2  中非携手共进- 更多的爱,更少的艾滋病

尽管80%的艾滋病毒感染孕妇能够获得抗逆转录病毒药物以防止艾滋病病毒在2017年传染给他们的孩子,但是,仍然有18万儿童在出生或母乳喂养期间感染了艾滋病毒- 远远超过2018年之前少于4万人感染的目标。


爱加艾减公益基金由来自中非民间商会、中非发展基金及相关组织机构的六位热心非洲公益、关注中非友好与艾滋病防治的专业人士以及三位在校学生共同发起,致力于通过民间动员的方式,通过响应联合国秘书长潘基文提出的“公益67 分钟”的理念,呼吁社会各界通过倡导、捐赠、志愿服务等方式关注非洲,支持非洲艾滋病防治,帮助非洲感染了艾滋病的怀孕妇女通过接受母婴阻断服务避免将艾滋病传染给新生儿,让“零艾滋”率先从孩子身上实现。

到目前为止,该倡议已经筹集了20万美元,并支持了11个非洲国家,旨在消除艾滋病毒母婴传播。 参加青年运动的高中生正在帮助收集该基金的捐款。该运动还鼓励年轻人与非洲国家的同行携手合作,共同建设更加光明的未来。

UNAIDS SDG Story:China-Africa Hand in Hand - More Love, Less AIDS

Goal 3, Goal 17

Although 80% of pregnantwomen living with HIV have access to antiretroviral medicines to preventtransmission of HIV to their child in 2017, an unacceptable 180 000 childrenacquired HIV during birth or breastfeeding—far from the target of fewer than 40000 by the end of 2018.

With a shared vision ofan Africa free from HIV and maternal and child mortality, where women andchildren are empowered to enjoy equal opportunities, we believe that teenagersare the future of China–Africa relations and look forward to more engagementwith Chinese teenagers for the development and public welfare of Africa.

The China-Africa BusinessCouncil and partners have established the Increasing Love for Decreasing AIDSFund. The Fund donated the money raised to the Organization of African FirstLadies for AIDS (OAFLA).

Until now, theinitiative has raised $200 000 and supported eleven African countries in theiraim to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV.  High schools participating in the youthcampaign are helping collect donations for the fund. The campaign is alsoencouraging young people to join hands with their counterparts in Africancountries to build a brighter future together.

案例3   女性艾滋病病毒感染者为维护自身权利而努力





UNAIDS:Women infected with HIV are striving for their rights

RelatedSDGs:SDG 3, SDG 5

HIV infectedwomen lack sufficient medical and emotional support. Worse still, they sufferfrom discrimination. For the sake of herself and other HIV infected women, WangQiuyun is determined to stand up.

Wang Qiuyunfounded a community organization in Hebi to fight for an entitlement toreasonable treatment and medical help. She joined the Women Network AgainstAIDS-China (WNAC) to empower HIV infected women and eliminate discriminationagainst them. Meanwhile, she submitted a shadow report to CEDAW, callingattention to HIV infected women.

HIV infectedpeople in Hebi were granted 100 to 300 000 RMB as subsidies, and were given freetreatment of opportunistic infection. The Chinese government has proclaimedsubstantive measures to eliminate the discrimination faced by the HIV infectedpeople. The anti-discrimination commission appealed to the Chinese governmentto be aware of the discrimination faced by HIV infected women and support theircommunity organizations.




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