22岁的小田(化名)在“岭南伙伴” 诊所接受过检测服务后,又接受了咨询师培训。“在对来访者进行检测之前,我会先介绍如何避免高危行为、以及如何保护自己这些信息。如果后面检测结果为阳性,我们会提供一位咨询师全程陪同,提供帮助并协助转介到医院。”
Guangzhou is oneof the hardest hit cities by HIV in China, and adolescents are particularly atrisk. HIV infections among students recorded an average annual growth of 46 percent.
As part of thenational HIV prevention and control strategy, the Government of China isempowering community-based organisations to help those in need and prevent HIV.That’s why UNICEF is working with community organisations like Guangzhou-basedLingnan Partner to encourage young people to access government-provided testingand treatment services, in a non-intimidating and adolescent friendly way.
XiaoTian*, 22, was trained at the Lingnan Partner clinic to become a counsellor,after using the services himself. “Before their test, I give people informationon how to avoid high-risk behaviours and how to protect themselves,” he says.“If the test is positive, we'll provide a counsellor to support them and referthem to a hospital.”
LingnanPartner is also reaching out to adolescent groups by training universitystudents to become peer-to-peer educators. With strong support from the local health and education bureaus, Lingnanis able to work with student groups to engage a large of number of young peoplelearn about safe sex, and refer teenagers to health services when needed.
* Not the realname
BuildingTrust, Building Communities
SDG 1 No Poverty,SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
While China hasbuilt a welfare scheme to help its poorest citizens, many rural families inneed don't necessarily access it. In rural China, many people have never evenheard of the profession of social work. Therefore building trust, especially inremote and less developed communities, can be tough.
Ruiying,a barefoot social worker in Ruili, Yunnan Province, started her work with basictraining on social work skills provided by Beijing Normal University’s ChinaPhilanthropy Research Institute. One of Ruiying's first-ever experiences as abarefoot social worker was being driven out of a villager's home with a broom.Just a few years later Ruiying is now a regular and warmly welcomed visitor inthat same home.
Launchedby UNICEF and the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2010, the Barefoot SocialWorkers programme has enabled more children to access social welfare,assistance and protection services.
In2016, the State Council issued its Opinion on Strengthening Protection forVulnerable Children, which stipulates the creation of positions like theBarefoot Social Workers in every community in order to contribute to the careand protection of vulnerable children. By the end of 2017, 127,000 communities had been covered.