Two Chinese UN Youth Volunteers, Yang Ge and Wu Yalinstarted their assignment in 2017 in Asia and the Pacific. Their assignments arethe first to stem from the decade-long partnership between Beijing YouthLeague, Beijing Volunteer Service Federation (BVF), UNV, and UNDP in China,which aims to promote volunteerism for youth development, as well as tostrengthen people to people bond as a component of South-South Cooperation.
“Volunteeringis one of the first steps for Chinese youth to work abroad and learn about differentcountries. I want to share my experience with more Chinese youth as well asvolunteer involving organizations to support them to engage with theinternational development ecosystem,” explained Ge. Thailand Regional youthevents Ge supported through her assignment, such as the ‘South-South KnowledgeExchange on Youth Volunteering for the SDGs’, offered great learningexperiences.
Yalin supportedcommunications for UNV and UNDP in Myanmar and through the Disaster RiskReduction Youth Volunteer Project, she raises awareness about the importance ofDRR in local communities. “I believe disseminating youth efforts andachievements in Myanmar serves as a window for people to understand Myanmar’slocal culture and context,” explained Yalin.