



青岛市农业机械管理局和莱西市农业机械管理局将为本试点提供政策指导, 中国农业大学的队伍将提供技术支持。该项目将在青岛志涛农机专业合作社所属农田和奶牛场进行试点,并将帮助像王志涛一样的农民,提升空气质量, 增加粮食产量, 改善农村生计, 助推乡村振兴,并为构建中国“美丽乡村”做出贡献。

ESCAP-CSAMSDGs Story: Partnership for Improved and Sustainable Farming Practices

SDG 1, SDG 2 Zero Hunger, SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 15

The Qingdao ZhitaoAgricultural Machinery Specialized Cooperative in Laixi - a county-level cityof Qingdao City - has over 100 members from the farming community. Among themis Mr. Wang Zhitao, a young lead farmer with a passion to improve thecommunity’s farming practices.

Two crops a yearare grown in the area and burning of straw residue to clear fields for the nextcrop is a key concern for air quality and human health. A diverse group ofstakeholders has joined hands to launch a pilot project on integrated strawmanagement in Laixi to support the Zhitao Cooperative for improving currentpractices and develop a new, circular and green model of sustainable strawmanagement including use of straw as fertilizer, fodder and for green energyproduction.

The QingdaoMunicipal Agricultural Machinery Administration and the Laixi AgriculturalMachinery Bureau will provide overarching policy and programme support while ateam from China Agricultural University will provide technical guidance. TheUnited Nations’ Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization will enablepartner coordination and knowledge sharing. The pilot will be executed at thefarmland and dairy farm of the Zhitao Cooperative.

In essence, thismulti-stakeholder partnership aims to empower farmers like Mr. Wang Zhitao tosafeguard air quality, improve crop production, enhance rural livelihoods, andcontribute to the rural revitalization.




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