


后来,姜岚参加了一次由联合国教科文组织举办的培训,这次培训让媒体人员懂得了如何讲好关于残障人士的故事,这也是联合国促进残障人士平等权利和机会的联合项目的一部分。“这次培训彻底改变了我的想法和之后的新闻写作,从那以后,我开始把残障人士当成真实平等的个人去描写,我开始注重他们的能力,而非短处。我想通过真实平等的描写来告诉大家,中国的8500万残障人士不是慈善或怜悯的接受者,而是社会的有力贡献者,” 姜岚说。


Disability and SDGs through the lens of ajournalist

Related SDGs

Disability is across-cutting issue in the 2030 Agenda

Jiang Lan isa journalist. When she first started reporting on the disadvantagedgroup 15 years ago, the overwhelming majority of the news articles portrayedpersons with disabilities as vulnerable and in need of social aiding, or asrole models who are“broken in body but firm in spirit.”

Jiang Lan attended a UNESCO organized training for mediaprofessionals on telling good stories about persons with disabilities, which ispart of a UN joint project promoting equal rights and opportunities for personswith disabilities.“The training completelychanged my mindset and my subsequent news writing. I started writing aboutpersons with disabilities as real and equal individuals, emphasizing theability, not limitations. By portraying them factually and equally, I want toconvey the message that China’s 85 million persons with disabilities are notrecipients of charity or pity, but capable are capable and equal contributorsto our society,”said Jiang.

The newsarticles produced by media professionals trained by the UN project had accumulatedover 5 million readership in China, and will keep growing. Fair portray ofpersons with disabilities reduces the discrimination and social stigma faced bythis group, and enhances their inclusion in education, employment, and socialservices. This will benefit everyone in the society, which echoes thecommitment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to“leave no onebehind.”




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