2013 年10 月10 日,奥巴马正式提名耶伦担任美联储下任主席。很多人都着重关注了耶伦在美联储和白宫工作的政治经历,忽略了耶伦其实在学术上也有非常高的造诣。耶伦最早在哈佛大学任职助理教授,之后来到伦敦政治经济学院,最后在满负盛誉的哈斯商学院加州大学伯克利分校任教。耶伦写过的很多文章都被学术界广泛引用并且影响深远。她常常和自己的丈夫,伯克利教授乔治阿克尔洛夫一起合著写作。本文列举了耶伦17 篇非常有价值的文章,并分别对这些文章进行了简单的概括和总结。
1-3. "The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemployment"(1990) /"Fairness and Unemploy- ment" (1988) / "Efficiency wage models of unemployment" (1984)
These papers— all but the last co-authored by Akerlof — address what's known in the economics literature as "efficiency wage theory." That's the idea that paying workers more than the market wage boosts productivity and ends up being worth it for the employer. The famous example is Henry Ford's decision to pay workers enough to afford a Model T for themselves. However, efficiency wages can also result in involuntary unemployment, since they move wages away from the market equilibrium.
除了最后一个与阿克尔洛夫一起写的文章之外,这些文章都强调了一个在经济学学术术语里称之为“效率工资学说”的概念。其想法是付给劳动者高于市场工资会激发生产率,对于雇者来说最后结果是值得的。最有名的例子是亨利福特关于支付工人足够的工资让他们能自己买得起一辆Model T 的决定.然而,效率工资也会导致一些非自愿性失业,因为它从平衡的市场中移走了一部分工资。
4. "Commodity bundling and the burden of monopoly"(1976)
"Firms often sell their goods in packages," Yellen and her co-author, William James Adams (now at Michigan, and of no apparent relation to his musical namesake), write. "Sporting and cultural organizations offer season tickets, restaurants provide complete diners, banks offer checking, safe deposit, and travelers' check services for a single fee, and garment manufacturers sell their retailers clothing grab bags comprised of assorted styles, sizes, and colors."
5. "Stabilization Policy: A Reconsideration"(2004)
Co-authored with Akerlof, this is perhaps the most relevant paper Yellen wrote for understanding what she's likely to do at the Fed, not least because it's so recent. The paper is a critique of an argument made by Robert Lucas, the Nobellaureate who turned macroeconomics on its head with his mid-1970s critique of Keynesianism.
这篇与阿克洛夫合著的文章,可能是耶伦写过的对于理解她想在联储做什么事最有关联的文章,不仅仅因为它比较近期。这篇文章是一个对于罗伯特卢卡斯的一个论点的评论,这位诺贝尔获奖者以它在20 实际70 年代中期对于凯恩斯理论的评论颠覆了整个宏观经济学。
6-8. "Can Small Deviations from Rationality Make Significant Differences to Economic Equilibria?" (1985) / "A Near-Rational Model of the Business Cycle, With Wage and Price Inertia" (1985) / "Rational Models of Irrational Behavior" (1987)
“ 一个小的理性偏离会对经济平衡造成巨大变化吗?”(1985)/“一个带有收入和价格惯性的近理性的商业周期模型”(1985)/“理性的非理性行为模型”(1987)
These three papers, all co-authored with Akerlof, represent the couple's contribution to the development of what's now known as "New Keynesian" economics. After Lucas faulted Keynesianism for not connecting the ups and downs of the macroeconomy to individual-level economic behavior, Keynesians like Stan Fischer, Olivier Blanchard, Greg Mankiw, and David and Christina Romer started to try to bridge the gap by adding complications at the individual level that could add up to the big economic swings that Keynesian theory predicts.
这三篇文章都与阿克洛夫一起合著,它们代表了这对夫妇对于现在大家知道的“新凯恩斯学说”的发展的贡献。在卢卡斯在凯恩斯学说中犯下没有把宏观经济的起伏与个体层面的经济行为相连的错误后,凯恩斯学者们像Stan Fischer, Olivier Blanchard, Greg Mankiw,和David 还有Christina Romer 开始尝试加上在个体层面上的那些凯恩斯学中预测的可能会加大经济振幅的错综复杂的事务来弥补这一空白。
9. “What Makes Advertising Profitable?” (1977)
Co-authored with Adams, this is a pretty stirring indictment of advertising. They argue that advertising can be profitable if (a) a company is a monopoly or has some market power, and can use it to boost surplus or (b) if it shifts some surplus from consumers to the business,which can happen even without a monopolies. Neither monopoly nor shirking consumers is a particularly attractive mechanism. Yellen and Adams are hardly alone in indicting advertising for bad consequences.
10. “Job Switching and Job Satisfaction in the U.S. Labor Market.”(1988)
"As man does not live by bread alone, people do not quit only for wages." That line, the concluding one of this paper co-authored by Akerlof and Andrew Rose, is a great summation of the underlying thesis: if you take into account that some people get non-monetary benefits and costs from their jobs, a lot about the labor market (unemployment being mainly involuntary, quit rates being higher when unemployment is low, quit rates falling with job tenure, etc.) starts to make more sense. Akerlof, Rose, and Yellen build a model to illustrate this and check it against empirical evidence.
11. "An Analysis of Out-of-Wedlock Child bearing in the United States"(1996)
Co-written with Akerlof and Michael Katz and published in the midst of the welfare reform debate in the United States (and when Yellen was a Fed Governor), the paper aims to explain why out of wedlock births had grown considerably in previous decades. Neither of the two main theories advanced to explain it held up. Charles Murray's idea that generous welfare benefits to mothers caused the increase didn't hold up to even the lightest empirical scrutiny,and William Julius Wilson's theory that a decline in male employment (particularly black male employment) reduced the pool of marriageable men, causing the increase, didn't fare much better.
12. "East Germany in from the Cold: The Economic Aftermath of Currency Union"(1991)
Co-written with Akerlof, Rose, and Helga Hessenius, this paper tackles the question of how to reverse the severe depression that German reunification caused in the East. East German customers started buying Western products rather than domestic ones, and foreign buyers weren't purchasing East German goods either. The solution, they argued, was a big infrastructure spending program, to boost employment as well as attract private investment, as well as work subsidies.
13. "Unemployment Through the Filter of Memory"(1985)
Here, Akerlof and Yellen construct a measure of the psychological painfulness of unemployment by comparing peoples' recollections of unemployment to their actual experience of it. If people are unemployed but don't recall or mention it when surveyed later on, that's a sign the period of unemployment wasn't that psychological harsh. If, however,they recall it, that suggests that it's been at the front of their mind for an extended period. The authors find that the salience of unemployment had fallen for younger and older workers in recent years, suggesting that it had become less painful.
14-5. "Factor Mobility, Regional Development, and the Distribution of Income"(1977) and "Consequences of a Tax on the Brain Drain for Unemployment and Income Inequality in Less Developed Countries"(1975)
Both co-authored with Rachel McCulloch (now at Brandeis), these papers concern developing countries and their attitudes toward the migration of residents to more developed countries.They argue that the main consequence of barriers to such migration is to benefit skilled workers in developing countries at the expense of unskilled ones. "The opposition of less developed countries to relaxation of immigration controls by advanced countries may be rationalized in terms of the redistribution of income from unskilled to skilled labor which would result from such a change," they write in the former paper. In the latter, they are explicit that taxing or otherwise deterring migration will likely result in increased income inequality in the developing country in question. Taken together, the papers are a powerful argument against the "brain drain" argument for preventing skilled immigration from developing to developed countries. For more on this topic, see Lant Pritchett and Michael Clemens.
16. "On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of the Post-Keynesians" (1988)
This paper is way, way above my pay grade math-wise, but it's evidence that Yellen was very familiar with the arguments of the so-called "post-Keynesians," a left-wing heterodox economics movement that emphasizes the role or risk and irrationality in the economy, and tends to view financial instability as inherent to capitalism. For more on this topic, see my profiles of the Modern Monetary Theory movement and the UMass Amherst economics department.
17. "Waiting for Work"(1990)
Here, Yellen, Akerlof, and Rose look at the phenomenon known as "lock-in." Normally, when unemployment falls, the wages offered by firms increases, to reflect the decline in the supply of available workers. That means that those who take jobs in recession get lower wages. What's more, their wages later on don't rise as the economy starts to boom again — they're "locked in." Meanwhile, those who get jobs in booms are able to "lock in" higher wages. The authors model the phenomenon and then demonstrate that empirical evidence matches the theory.
在这篇文章中,耶伦, 阿克洛夫和罗斯关注一个被大家以名字为“锁住”所知道的现象。正常的来说,当失业率降低时,公司给的工资会上涨,反映了可工作的人数量下降。这意味着那些在经济萧条中参加工作的人拿着较低的工资。更严重的是,他们的工资在以后经济开始复苏后也不会上涨——他们被“锁住”了。与此同时,那些在经济好转期间参加工作的人能“锁住”更高的工资。这文章中的作者模拟了此现象然后阐述了很多实验证据都符合这个理论。

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