
2010年06月10日 10:47凤凰网财经 】 【打印共有评论0

凤凰网财经讯  针对澳大利亚对冲基金Basis Yield Alpha Fund周三向高盛集团发起的诉讼,高盛向凤凰网发来声明予以回应,称对方的诉讼目的是为了转嫁投资损失,以下为高盛声明全文。

Basis作为世界上经验最丰富的CDO投资者之一的对冲基金, 企图借由该诉讼误导视听,把自己的投资损失转嫁给高盛。在进行Timberwolf交易时,Basis明确申明自己不会依赖高盛,而且这一决策也包含在Basis所签署的协议之中。Basis以其认为有吸引力的市场价位进行投资。这些价位明显低于相关证券的面值,而且与同期购买相同Timberwolf证券的其他投资者支付的价格相当。Basis现在为弥补其损失提出了虚假的指控,声称自己在交易和市场状况等方面受到误导。值得注意的一个重要事实是高盛也持有大量Timberwolf的敞口并因而损失了数亿美元。我们认为此项诉讼没有法律依据。
    The lawsuit is a misguided attempt by Basis, a hedge fund that was one of the world’s most experienced CDO investors, to shift its investment losses to Goldman Sachs.  At the time of the Timberwolf transaction, Basis specifically stated that it would not place any reliance on Goldman Sachs, and this decision formed part of the agreement Basis signed. Basis made its investment at market levels -- levels that it deemed attractive. These levels were substantially below the face value of the securities and consistent with where other investors were purchasing the same Timberwolf securities during the same time period. Basis is now trying to recoup its losses based on false allegations that it was misled about aspects of the transaction and market conditions. A material fact worth noting is that Goldman Sachs also had substantial exposure to Timberwolf securities and lost several hundred million dollars as a result.  We believe the lawsuit is without merit.


高盛涉嫌欺诈 被美证交会指控


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